What is ayurveda?

Here I would like to give a brief introduction on ayurveda and ayurvedic treatment for those who may be wondering what is ayurveda. Ayurveda provides natural remedies for many diseases and the most important thing is that it  provides  permanent cure.
‘Ayurveda’, the English for which is ‘Knowledge of life’ has flourished here since very ancient times. ‘Ayurveda’, the system of treatment believed to be older than 5000 years is based on the philosophy, “Prevention is better than cure”, However, it offers a lasting cure to patients suffering from various diseases. It lays more emphasis on the promotion of positive health and prevention of diseases

It is not only a system to cure diseases but the system teaching us how to achieve ‘Perfect Health’ for diseased or abnormal conditions and how to lead our life, both physical and mental, to attain the bliss of real life.It is almost as old as mankind and at the same time so new as modern man that no disease is there which is incurable or uncontrollable unless missed too much.
According to ayurveda, human body is composed of three fundamentals called ‘Doshas’ – which represent the physico-chemical and physiological activities of the body, ‘Dhatu’ which denotes the materials entering into the formation of a basic structure of the body cell, thereby performing some basic actions and ‘Malas’ the substances which are partly used in the body and partly exerted in yet another form after serving their physiological activities.
‘Dhoshas’ are three – vata,pitta, and kapha and they may not be equal and same in all. According to the dominance of each dosha every man is categorized to different types.
Physical and mental cooperation of the patient to make necessary changes in his life style and food habits also are essential to attain the natural dynamic balance of the doshas and once that balance is maintained the illness is gone.It describes how to live to avoid disease in each climate and how can perfect health be maintained throughout the life. Ayurveda has a separate branch called ‘Rasayana’ to maintain youth and vitality to recover lost health in diseased conditions.In Ayurveda all treatment is aimed at building up the strength of the person which would help him to lead a healthy and happy life.
Methods of ayurvedic treatment are classified into three:
               1. Antharparimarjanam
               2. Bahirparimarjanam
              3. Sastrapranidhanam
.Yoga and Tantra which are primarily meant for spiritual attainments have also certain prescriptions for the prevention and cure of the psychic, somatic and psychosomatic ailments.
The unique features of Ayurveda treatment of medicine are:                                                                     
1.       Treatment of individuals as a whole, ie. Not only the condition of other parts of his body but also the condition of his mind and soul.
2.       Medicines are available on reasonable prices.
3.       No import involved ie. Medicines are vegetables, metals, minerals and animal products which are available in nature.


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